How to choose PPE for face protection?
When should you choose face shields?

How do you plan if you know the examinations are just around the corner? You study hard, right? Similarly, when one is well aware of industrial hazards, what should one do? Should one take precautions from the most probable industrial hazards? How does one do that? What is the best solution? Here comes PPE to the rescue. How do you choose PPE for face protection? Let’s find out.
Industries house various unit operations and unit processes that often involve heavy machinery, hazardous chemicals, high temperatures, high pressure, and whatnot? Industrial personnel is well aware of these industrial hazards. Hence, they use PPE for protection. Proper training and awareness related to PPE eliminate any chances of industrial perils or hazards.
Are you still unsure about the importance of occupational safety and health, then check out this awesome blog on the occupational safety.
The first impression is the last impression. How does one impress others? Most people observe the other person’s face. So, an individual needs to safeguard their face from industrial hazards. The human face is sensitive to many industrial chemicals, sparks, and temperatures. PPE for face protection plays an important role in protection against any industrial hazards that can potentially harm the human face. In this article, we are specifically discussing different types of PPE for face protection.

Why Do We Need PPE For Face Protection?
Workplace Hazards
Unit processes and unit operations are key components of industries. Industries like chemical manufacturing, fertilizer, nuclear, construction, agriculture, healthcare, food processing, pharmaceutical, metallurgy, mining, manufacturing, and many others have high-risk processes and operations. Operations like welding, soldering, grinding, drilling, crushing, chemical mixing & agitation, metal cutting, and others often are a part and parcel of various industries. In agriculture and healthcare as well, one needs to cover their face. PPE for face protection can be useful in protecting against harmful gases, lasers, heavy machinery, and even pathogens.
PPE for face protection can even protect against chemical splashes, UV rays, sparks, small flying metal or wood pieces (or chips) thrown off at a high speed, and many more. It should be noted that the PPE for face protection differs based on the extent of protection required and the industrial hazard against which protection is required.

Why should an employer worry about PPE for face protection?
The human face comprises the most vital sensory organs. These sensory organs are highly sensitive. They can be easily harmed with even the slightest and most less risky industrial agent. Many industrial agents can cause permanent damage to the human face. For an employer, it will be quite difficult if their employee hurts themselves during their routine work. Not only will it cause a disturbance to the working efficiency of the employee but also cause deep aggravating pain to them, which no employer would allow. Moreover, the employer would have to deal with the worker’s comp for the employee.
An employer has to anyhow comply with the necessary safety precautions laid down by the government regulators. Moreover, if an employer shows goodwill and takes care of safety for his employees, then it will reflect in their efficient work. Many developed nations like the US have stringent laws regarding safety and workers comp due to the negligence of the employer. What comes under the negligence of the employer? Even, the lack of provision and training of PPE is considered to be a grave mistake on the behalf of the employer.
It is the responsibility of the employer to provide, train, and educate about PPE. The employer even has to take steps to create awareness amongst the employees about industrial hazards and the use of PPE in different situations of accidents and industrial perils. So, an employer should take care of the employee for not only their benefit but also for the safety of their employees.
If you are an employer and are interested in understanding of employee safety, then check out this interesting blog on workplace safety.

Why is it better to wear PPE for face protection?
Research has concluded that approximately around 23 percent of individuals working in various industries are working in high-risk conditions without any PPE for face protection. This is either due to a lack of awareness about the PPE or negligence from the employer. The situation is much worse in the developing and under-developed nations where the lack of PPE is quite common.
Also, find out why is PPE necessary for eye protection?
So, for ensuring a safe work environment, it becomes essential for both the employer as well as the employee to don safety gear aka PPE for face protection. Proper awareness, training, and education related to the PPE are a must. Accordingly, an employee must ensure that they are donning specifically designed PPE for face protection. For example, an employee doesn’t really require to wear a high-temperature resistant face shield while working at room temperatures. An employer should ensure that the employees receive appropriate PPE for face protection according to different industrial hazards that their employees may face.

What Are The Different Kinds Of PPE for Face Protection?
As previously mentioned, different industrial elements can harm the human face. So, there are different types of face protection PPE available. Apart from face protection PPE, many industries use a bunch of different PPE for protecting different sections of the face. For example, industrial personnel may don the respirator face mask or respirator along with safety glasses. Here, we will discuss the PPE that is intended to protect the human face. Let’s look at a few PPE for face protection in detail,
Welding Hood
Welding hoods or welding helmets are used by industrial personnel involved in the work of welding, soldering, or other related work. It is responsible for the protection of the eyes and skin. This PPE for face protection can be designed for protection against UV rays, sparks, flash, burns, etc. They have a provision of a window called the lens shade.
There are different standards available for welding depending upon the guidelines and standards set by different regulators like OSHA and ANSI. Additional accessories can help in the protection of the neck as well as the shoulder of the person.

Full Face Shield
Full face shields protect the entirety of the human face from chemical splashes, flying wooden or metal chips (and other objects too), and pathogens. They are widely used by researchers, healthcare employees, construction workers, security forces, manufacturing, and other related employees. Face shields are often paired with other PPE like safety goggles and respirators for better protection.
There are many standards according to which these face shields can be manufactured, These standards are mostly area-specific and are also dependent on the type of hazard.

Other types of face protection PPE that are commonly used are helmets, wire mesh visors, fluid-resistant shields, full-face respirators, and many more.
How And When Do We Use PPE for Face Protection?
PPE for face protection is donned when there is a probability of an industrial hazard that can potentially damage the face. Now, the kind of face protection PPE that must be used is dependent on the severity and the types of the hazard. Donning PPE for face protection is relatively easy especially after proper PPE-related training.
Also, find out when do we use PPE necessary for respiratory protection?

Industries often involve many processes and operations that are hazardous in nature. So, industrial personnel working in these hazardous places often don PPE that helps them in protection against mishaps, if any. The human face comprises sensitive sensory organs that are quite susceptible to most occupational hazards. So, PPE for face protection is much more essential for occupational safety. There are many types of PPE for face protection based on the design, type, and protection against the different kinds of hazards.