Safety Gloves : Importance, uses and types

What are the most Safety Gloves for me?
Safety has become the most influential factor in the workplace during the pandemic. Hygiene has become a compulsion and the tools which aid to achieve it have become a necessity. Alcohol based sanitizers and face masks which were rarely used before, are now considered as an essential commodity. Another similar and important asset are safety gloves. If you have never heard of safety gloves then you should surely go through this article and understand its importance.
This COVID-19 pandemic has set a new normal. Due to this safety equipment and PPE kits have become quite usual and familiar terms. PPE kits are a bunch of safety equipment which ensure protection against contamination. They usually include KN95 protective face mask or any other mask with HEPA filter and face shield for face protection.
Safety gloves are usually used for hand protection. They are considered essential in PPE kits as they restrict and restrain bacterial, viral, and chemical contamination via human contact. PPE kits also include hair net to cover hair, shoes cover for feet and a isolation gown for the rest of the body.
The potential spread of novel coronavirus is aided by the transfer of the virus via human contact. Hands play an important role in the spread of coronavirus. This is where the nitrile gloves play an important role by curbing infections and contaminations caused due to human contact via hands. Safety gloves are used in medical, educational, security, and industrial fields to ensure safety from contamination.
To use gloves, you need to know the proper way of wearing them. Wearing gloves in a wrong manner will contaminate your hands.
Choose the best safety glove type according to your requirement.
Step 2 : INSPECT
Look for any punctures or holes. If you find one then discard it and take a fresh one.
Before wearing the gloves wash your hands properly with liquid soap. Dry your hands before wearing the safety gloves.
Wear the gloves properly without contaminating them.
Go through the informative video of safe glove removal by Ogden Clinic in which each step of glove removal is well explained.
There are three most used and reliable materials in the production of safety gloves, namely Synthetic Nitrile, Natural Latex, and Synthetic Vinyl. Every material has unique and distinguished advantages and disadvantages.

1) Latex Gloves :
Until the 90s safety gloves were mostly made using latex. The increase in reports of allergies due to latex proteins urged to look for its alternatives. Latex gloves are called secondary/second skin due to its dexterity. Latex is the best material in terms of dexterity. Latex gloves are easy to wear and remove when compared to other gloves. They are relatively inexpensive and highly flexible.
Latex gloves are biodegradable and nature friendly.
Owing to its tactical sensitivity, surgeons still use latex gloves while performing surgeries. But in other fields, latex gloves have started to fade out due to their potentially harmful disadvantages. Latex gloves don't provide strong chemical and puncture resistance when compared with nitrile gloves. This increases the chances of contamination and causes safety concerns.
Other than these issues, allergy to latex gloves is a major concern. The thing with latex proteins is that a person can develop an allergy to it if they are in constant contact with it. Due to this, latex gloves are banned in many medical and educational institutions. It is advised that one should avoid wearing latex gloves even if he/she is not allergic. There might be a possibility that the person with whom you may come in contact can have a latex allergy.
2) Vinyl Gloves :
They are inexpensive and used only in non-hazardous situations. They are usually comfortable to wear and use. Vinyl gloves are latex-free and anti-allergic. These gloves are not environment friendly as they are non-biodegradable. Vinyl gloves are not recommended due to their low chemical resistance and durability.

3) Nitrile Gloves :
The disadvantages of latex gloves inspired the search and research for a new resistant, anti-allergic and better material. In the 90s, nitrile gloves were first introduced in the market which guaranteed to eliminate the disadvantages of latex gloves.
The mere absence of latex proteins made nitrile gloves the first choice for the ones who had an allergy. Nitrile is a synthetic rubber that has about three to five times better chemical and puncture resistance than latex gloves.
These latex-free gloves have become increasingly popular year by year. The reason for their success has been the improvements in the material to curb its disadvantages.
Initially, the price of nitrile and latex gloves had a wide gap. Now, the price of nitrile and latex gloves has become quite comparable.
Another major disadvantage of nitrile gloves was flexibility, comfort and the ease to wear and remove the gloves. This disadvantage was eliminated by decreasing the thickness of nitrile. With the reduction in thickness, the resistance of nitrile gloves reduces too.
Usually, nitrile gloves are sold based on their thickness in millimeters. They are available as nitrile gloves 4 mils to nitrile gloves 9 mils. They are also commercially available as nitrile gloves XS to nitrile gloves XXL. Nitrile gloves are completely biodegradable but usually take more time than the latex ones.
Allergy to nitrile gloves is very rare and usually due to sulfur-based chemical accelerators. Currently, much safer chemical accelerators are used to eliminate allergies. Also, chemical accelerator free nitrile gloves are available. Nitrile gloves are kid-friendly and recyclable. Most nitrile gloves are food safe and can be used while cooking. Though it is recommended to use only FDA approved nitrile gloves when dealing with food and cooking.
Nitrile gloves are commercially available in different colors. Earlier, blue color nitrile gloves were used to distinguish them from the latex ones. Hospitals usually use blue color nitrile gloves while mechanics, workers and trade-based employees prefer orange or black.
At True PPE we provide nitrile gloves which are manufactured to the highest safety and quality standards. These are medically certified and FDA approved to give you protection from a range of pathogens, viruses, bacteria and chemicals. Shop with zeal and confidence today, knowing that you’ve invested in quality products.
These types are based on alternatives other than the type of material used. The factors are :-
1) Usage of Powder :
Powdered gloves are usually used to put on the gloves easily. Usually, food-grade corn starch powder is used. The major disadvantage is that it may cause allergic reactions. Many medical institutions have, therefore, avoided the usage of powdered gloves.
Powder free gloves are a bit expensive but are hypoallergenic and safe to use. Though they can be every difficult to wear and remove.
2) Chlorination :
This process involves powder free gloves and its subsequent treatment with chlorine which makes it particle free. The major disadvantage of powder free gloves is eliminated in this process. The major disadvantage of chlorinated gloves is they give a peculiar chlorine odor. Chlorination reduces shelf life of the gloves.
Non-Chlorinated gloves though are much durable and odor free they still are not used much as they are difficult to wear and remove.
3) Sterilization :
Surgeons and other medical staff usually require sterile safety gloves to ensure no contamination takes place. All the other personnel seldom use sterile gloves. Non-Sterile gloves are inexpensive and more widely used.