How to Train Your Employees on Proper Usage of Industrial PPE?
Employee Training & Engagement on Proper Usage of Industrial PPE

Have you ever wondered what a monkey would do if you gave a dollar bill to it? There are numerous possibilities. Monkey may tear the dollar bill or throw it away. Unless it is trained to buy a banana from a vendor, the dollar bill is of no use to the monkey. Even the most productive goods don’t provide the desired effect if their user is untrained. When one discusses PPE, it is crucial to understand that it acts as a last line of defense and is directly connected to the employee’s safety.
In an industrial setting, PPEs are selected based on the hazard or risk rating. While the selection of the PPE, it is assumed that the PPE is in its best possible condition and effective utilization is done. Many consider some margins while PPE selection, proper PPE utilization is always taken. Proper usage of industrial PPE is only possible if necessary PPE training is provided to employees. Without the appropriate provision of PPE training, the wearer will not be able to tap the highest efficiency of the PPE. This article delves into the effective strategies for employee training on proper usage of industrial PPE and the advantages of PPE training.
How to select the correct PPE?

Consider it as a pre-PPE training routine. Every industrial workplace assesses the hazards & risks and based on the severity & probability and tries to eliminate, substitute, modify, or control them. The aim is to reduce the chance of a mishap occurring and reduce the detrimental effects of the hazard. PPE acts as a last line of defense, and its selection is a vital task often done by safety experts. Based on the selected PPE, a training roadmap is tailored to address effective PPE utilization with keeping the hazard in mind.
Note - Safety experts often consider the local safety regulations, best industry practices, regulatory compliance standards, and legal obligations before PPE selection. It also helps in streamlining the PPE training procedure.
Are you curious to know what the future has in store for PPEs? Check out our blog on PPE future where we have stated our predictions on PPE in the next decade.
How to develop Comprehensive PPE Training Programs?
PPE training plays a vital role in instilling proper PPE usage among employees. But how to develop a comprehensive PPE training program? Let’s jot down the steps.
Clear & simple communication:
PPE training aims to be foolproof. Explaining the importance of PPE & the adverse effects of not using them will instill a sense of responsibility. PPE training programs should be delivered in a simple & lucid language ensuring that there remains no ambiguity in the mind of the trainees. The best way of communication is the demonstration of the right & wrong ways of PPE usage.
Hands-on Training:

Every industrial workplace must ensure to incorporate hands-on training, providing them with firsthand experience in using PPE correctly. Hands-on training also helps the individual to simulate troubleshooting in case of any error or failure. Additionally, initiatives can be taken to promote observations & corrections amongst the team of employees that enhances the effects of hands-on training.
Organizing Refresher Sessions:
The best way for the employees to understand the know-how of the proper usage of industrial PPE is by organizing refresher sessions. It helps the employees to revise their knowledge about PPE usage and avoid making any mistakes that may happen unknowingly due to lack of knowledge. Refresher sessions ensure that the proper usage of industrial PPE is implemented. Also, if there are any concerns, issues, or doubts related to PPE usage amongst the employees, then they can be clarified during these sessions.

For example, a common mistake that many employees make while wearing safety helmets is not securing the helmet with a chin strap. Hands-on training helps them understand why they need to secure the safety helmet with a chin strap and how to do it. Refresher sessions help them to recollect the importance of chin straps and the procedure to wear them. For more details, you can check out the blog on safety helmets with chin straps.
Employee engagement:
Refresher sessions & hands-on training require active employee participation. To engage the employees in training special initiatives such as rewards & recognition must be enforced. Encouraging, recommending, nominating, and recognizing employee opinions & experiences related to PPE usage must be implemented. A proper feedback mechanism should be implemented that will make the employees feel involved in decision-making. A dedicated safety committee team or department must be created to supervise & analyze PPE usage. The team will also have the responsibility of scheduling & organizing training & refresher sessions on PPE usage.
For more details on how to effectively involve employees in safety training, check out the blog on employee engagement to improve workplace safety.

Training employees on proper usage of industrial PPE is crucial for the industry for ensuring workplace safety & regulatory compilance. Industries have understood that mere provision of PPE is not enough, training on proper usage of PPE is also vital. A proper assessment of employees at the workplace will help to evaluate & design the comprehensive training programs. The four points of simple communication, employee engagement, organizing refresher sessions & hands-on training must be implemented without fail.
Industries should aim to establish a safety culture wherein the employees with self-motivation handhold fellow employees to train them about proper usage of industrial PPE. It also creates a positive attitude & protects the well-being of the employees. Did you know? Apart from PPE usage, even proper PPE maintenance & storage is important! Check out our blog on PPE maintenance for more insights.